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Henchy Fraggle
PERFORMER John Pattison
DEBUT 1983

Henchy as seen in Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock

Henchy Fraggle is the World's Oldest Fraggle's flunky on Fraggle Rock, who is often reprimanded with a bonk on the head from the World's Oldest Fraggle's cane.

His first appearance comes in the episode "Capture the Moon." He usually repeats everything the World's Oldest Fraggle says before the World's Oldest Fraggle has a chance to say it, followed by a scold and usually (unless avoided) a knock on the head.

One of his larger roles occurred in the final season episode "Inspector Red." He steals the Fraggle Horn so that there can't be any more meetings (to limit the occasions when World's Oldest would strike him).

Henchy also made background appearances such as "Red's Club".

For the 2022 series Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock, Henchy is reimagined as a female character, performed by Aymee Garcia. She still serves as the World's Oldest Fraggle's more competent assistant (though receiving no physical punishment from her superior as on the original show). She is also seen as one of the members of the Wise Council of Fraggles.


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