House of Cards is a political drama and the first original series produced for Netflix, focusing on a ruthless American politician. Running from 2013 to 2018, it is a loose adaptation of the 1990 BBC mini-series of the same name (and its sequels, based on the novel by Michael Dobbs), and retains the device of the protagonist often speaking directly to the audience to reveal their true thoughts.
- The series was spoofed by Sesame Street in Episode 4519 as "House of Bricks," where the Big Bad Wolf, portraying "Frank Underwolf," blows down each of the Three Little Pigs' houses with the goal of taking office in The White Brick House. Performers include Martin P. Robinson as the wolf, and Matt Vogel, Stephanie D'Abruzzo, and David Rudman as the pigs. Kevin Spacey shared the clip on social media in February 2015, commenting "How brilliant!"
- At a press conference for Muppets Most Wanted, Constantine says he wants to make a new Netflix program called House of Toads.
- In a 2014 Entertainment Weekly video, Elmo (playing Frank Underwood) two-facedly approves Cookie Monster's idea for a cookie food pyramid in a parody of the show.
- In a pre-taped segment for The Muppets Take the Bowl, a faux-Netflix queue lists a Muppet production entitled "House of Lard."
- "House of Carbs" is one of several shows that Fozzie Bear pitches to Scooter in the Muppets Now episode "Fever Pitch."
Muppet Mentions[]
- The sixth episode features a CNN debate between Frank Underwood and Marty Spinella that devolves into a metaphor about vowels, which Spinella compares to Sesame Street.
- Jennifer Barnhart played Speaker McCarthy in Chapter 53 (2017)
- Reg E. Cathey played Freddy (2013-2016)
- Emilio Delgado played Ambassador Davila in Chapter 33 (2015)
- Jodie Foster directed Chapter 22 (2014)
- Charles Gibson played himself in Chapter 43 (2016)
- Murphy Guyer played Oren Chase in Chapter 3 (2013) and Chapter 42 (2016)
- Greg Kinnear played Bill Shepherd (2018)
- Kate Mara played Zoe Barnes (2013, two cameos in 2014, 2016)
- Lars Mikkelsen played President Viktor Petrov (2015-2018)
- Soledad O'Brien played herself in in Chapter 3 (2013)
- George Stephanopoulos played himself in Chapters 2 (2013) and 37 (2015)