ITV, originally known as Independent Television, is a commercial television network of the United Kingdom. It was originally created in 1954 and went on the air in London on September 22, 1955 as a second commercial network in competition with the BBC. The network was originally set up as a set of franchises distributed throughout the nation; each franchise would create programming for distribution: both for locals of each franchise area and programs that, in some cases, would ultimately be distributed throughout the nation and throughout the world.
Association with The Muppets[]
The most notable ITV connection to Jim Henson and the Muppets is the franchise of Associated TeleVision, owned and controlled by television entrepreneur Lew Grade. ATV initially started as the franchisee of the Midlands area of England. ATV aired Muppet appearances and The Muppet Show. The series was part of the ATV lineup airing at different times throughout Britain due to the then-cooperative nature of ITV, with airings varying by regional broadcaster. As a result, all British air dates are based on the ATV airings in the Midlands when guides list them.
Another notable ITV franchise associated with the Muppets was Television South (TVS), which controlled the franchise of Southern England from 1982 to 1992. This franchise was the main creator of the British segments and co-production of Fraggle Rock. Another franchise, Tyne Tees, launched in 1959 serving Northeast England, co-produced The Ghost of Faffner Hall, taping the series at their studio facility in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (they have since moved and the original facility has been demolished).