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The different voices of Gobo Fraggle across the globe. Unlike some of the other Fraggle Rock characters, Gobo's name remains the same in most versions.

Country/Show Name Performer Picture
Brazil , A Rocha Encantada Gobo Fraggle Sérgio Stern Sergio stern
Canada, Fraggle Rock (Quebec dub) Gobo Bernard Fortin Bernardfortin
Denmark, Fragglerne Gobo Steen Springborg Steenspringborg
Finland, Fragglit Gobo Keijo Romppainen Keijoromppainen
France, Fraggle Rock (France) Gobo Vincent Grass Vincentgrass
Germany, Die Fraggles (speaking, later seasons singing) Gobo Fred Maire Fredmaire
Germany, Die Fraggles (early seasons singing) Gobo Eberhard Storeck Eberhardstoreck-nasowas
Japan, フラグルロック Gobo Akira Kamiya Akirakamiya
The Netherlands, De Freggels Gobo Frans van Dusschoten Fransvandusschoten
Norway, Fragglene Gobo Øystein Wiik Oysteinwiik
Poland, Fraglesy Gobo Jacek Kopczyński 4aa7882e-09ba-4998-91be-169fe30a0dd5 xxl
Spain, Los Fraguel Gobo Ángel Egido Angelegido
Sweden, Fragglarna Gobo Bo Maniette