Jane Tuesday is a recurring live-action segment on Sesame Street, which was added in Season 35. The series was created and produced by Adam Matalon, and starred Kyla Taub as Jane Tuesday, a seven-year old private detective, whose name is a riff on Joe Friday from Dragnet. The earliest segments involved Jane solving mysteries, which were often complicated by her brother, Billy (Taylor Matalon, the producer's son). Later segments were less narrative focused, and instead featured Jane Tuesday expounding on a topic, such as red or blue colored fruits.
Matalon pitched the concept to Carol-Lynn Parente senior producer of the show. In a press release for the series, he explained the premise and development as follows:
- "Case of the Missing Three" (Episode 4077)
- "The Case of the Letter L" (Episode 4068)
- "Crunchy and Sweet" (Episode 4120)
- "Eat Your Colors" (blue) (Episode 4096)
- "Eat Your Colors" (red) (Episode 4100)
- "Eat Your Colors" (orange) (Episode 4089)
- "Eat Your Colors" (green) (Episode 4085)
- Producer, Writer, Director: Adam Matalon
- Co-Producer: Kevin Burke
- Production Sound: Jim Meek
- Music: Mike Renzi
- Sound Effects: Dick Maitland
- Production Company: Chatsby Films
External links[]
- Jane Tuesday Press Release
- Chatsby Films - production site