Jasper and Julius are a comedy duo created by animator Cliff Roberts for the Sesame Street comic strip in 1971. The popular pair moved to the show in 1972, when Roberts created several animated inserts for Sesame Street. Julius was voiced by Jim Thurman.
- Why are you holding one leg up in the air? (First: Episode 0406)
- Julius asks Jasper why he is holding one leg up in the air. "Because if I hold two legs up in the air, I fall down!" says Jasper, and demonstrates by crashing to the ground.
- I've lost my elbow! (First: Episode 0410)
- Jasper thinks that he has lost his elbow, but Julius shows him his elbow by bending his arm. Jasper is overjoyed that Julius has found his elbow, but when Julius walks off and Jasper straightens his arm, he thinks that he has lost his elbow again.
- This sketch can be viewed on Sesamestreet.org.
- Here and there (First: Episode 0418)
- Julius demonstrates "here" and "there" by jumping from one side of a deep crevice to another. He then becomes absent-minded, walking instead of jumping, then falls into the crevice, leading him to say that he is "in pain."
- Apple (First: Episode 0485)
- Julius holds up an apple and asks Jasper if he can describe it. Jasper does so while eating it, ending with "gone!"
- This sketch can be viewed on Sesamestreet.org.