Ken Snyder produced many animated segments for Sesame Street, most notably the Alice Braithwaite Goodyshoes series, as well as the occasional live-action insert (notably "B is for Bubble"). His contributions included a cartoon about a fishing boy catching letters of the alphabet (First: Episode 0004), and a cartoon about the number 20, featuring a four-armed man. (First: Episode 0276)
While Ken Snyder Enterprises received credit in production scripts, press materials, and The Sesame Street Book of Letters, the spots were actually farmed out to the studios of Fred Calvert and Fred Crippen (Pantomime Pictures).
Snyder had previously produced and written for the animated TV series Roger Ramjet and The Funny Company (the latter heavily using live-action film inserts, predating Sesame Street). These projects often used the talents of future Sesame collaborators (with and without Snyder) including Calvert and Crippen, Gary Owens, Bob Arbogast, Joan Gerber, David Ketchum, Gene Moss, Hal Smith, and composer Jack Fascinato.