Kermit's Office is a central location in the 2015 television series The Muppets. Designed by William Lakoff, the office serves as the workplace of Kermit the Frog as he serves as executive producer of Up Late with Miss Piggy.
The office features a collection of photographs of Kermit and other Muppets - including many pre-existing stock and promotional photos from past Muppet productions. Amongst the books in Kermit's library are several titles by Ken Wilber. He also has a significant amount of flora accompanied by a mister to simulate the conditions of a swamp.
On designing the office, The Muppets executive producer Bill Prady said that they modeled Kermit’s office on the show after Jim Henson's office.[1]
- ↑ Bloomberg: New Muppet Sitcome Looks to Take Prime Time
See also[]
- Kermit's office (disambiguation page)