Lost on Earth is a sitcom that aired for one season on the USA Network in 1997. The series centered on a former news reporter (played by Tim Conlon) who is demoted to hosting a puppet-based children's show, featuring puppets that are actually trans-dimensional beings from another world.
The Muppets factor greatly into the central conceit of the series. In the premiere episode, "They're Alive," reporter David Rudy encounters the living puppets in storage and they explain their presence on Earth. While traveling through time and space, the crew were receiving television signals from Earth to study what forms to take to best fit in. But, as one character explains, "those hideous Muppets were on," which forced their transformation into puppets.
The puppeteers and crew for the show include many Henson and Muppet alumni.
- Greg Ballora performed Philippe (lead puppeteer and voice)
- Kevin Carlson performed Ahab
- Kristin Charney performed Angela (lead puppeteer and voice)
- Aria Noelle Curzon played a little girl in "The Rudy Show"
- Terri Hardin performed Angela (assistant puppeteer)
- Quincy Jones executive produced
- John Lovelady was alien coordinator
- Drew Massey performed Raleigh
- Peter McCowatt performed Philippe (assistant puppeteer)
- Alison Mork was an alien operator in "They're Alive"
- John O'Hurley played Brad Shaw in "They're Alive" and "Commitment"