Magnum, P.I. was an American television series with aired on CBS from 1980-1988. Set in Hawaii, the series starred Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum, a private investigator who lives in the guest house of the celebrated (but never seen) author Robin Masters. The character of Magnum was listed at number forty three on Bravo's list of the 100 Greatest TV Characters.
CBS rebooted the series in 2018.
- In the 1987 Muppet Babies episode "This Little Piggy Went to Hollywood," Baby Kermit sends a fan drawing to "the greatest detective in the world, Magnum P.I."
- In the Dinosaurs episode "Network Genius," the Antediluvian Broadcasting Company's line-up, following the ratings hike from simply running a test pattern, includes "Test Pattern P.I."
- On the first episode of Muppets Tonight, Gonzo looks over the new KMUP evening line-up. One of the shows on the schedule is "Magnum P.I.G."
- Carol Burnett played Susan Johnson in two episodes
- Carol Channing played herself in "Distant Relative" (1983)
- Tyne Daly played Kate Sullivan in "The Jororo Kill" (1982)
- Ted Danson played Stewart Crane in "Don't Say Goodbye" (1981)
- José Ferrer played Judge Robert Caine in "Lest We Forget" (1981)
- Pat Morita played Jack Metro in "One More Summer" (1982)
- Alfonso Ribeiro played Kenny in " L.A. " and "Missing Melody" (1986)
- Tom Selleck played Thomas Magnum
- Orson Welles voiced Robin Masters (1981-1983)