March of the Penguins is a 2005 French documentary film that focuses on the lives of emperor penguins in Antarctica. Co-produced by the National Geographic Society, the film won the 2005 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, and was narrated by Morgan Freeman for its English language release.
- In episode 13 of From the Balcony, Clive Focus goes after shots of the stars of the movie, finding them relaxing in a hot tub.
- The film is spoofed in episode 20 of From the Balcony with a promo for the film March Madness of the Penguins.
- It is again spoofed in The Muppets Kitchen with Cat Cora episode Game Day, for the "Muppets Y Games" opening ceremonies as "March of the Penguin" ("Isn't he majestic?").
- In Sesame Street episode 4112, a graduation march of the penguins takes place.
- In Sesame Street episode 4152, a scene at Gina's veterinary clinic begins with her taking a penguin's temperature. She diagnoses the penguin with a fever, which for him means "no more marching."