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Sesame Street Episode 4911


From The Sesame Street 1976 Calendar

5210 watching MLK

The kids watch an excerpt from King's "I Have a Dream" speech on Sesame Street in Episode 5210.

MLK New Day Don Miller 1989

"New Day" painting by Don Miller from a season 22 Sesame Street segment.

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was a Baptist minister and leader of the civil rights movement in the United States of America. His activism and oratory (notably the famous "I have a dream" speech) were nationally influential.

King was assassinated in April of 1968, during the development period of Sesame Street. As Joan Ganz Cooney recalled, "Dr. King was the American hero of my lifetime."[1] Samuel Y. Gibbon, Jr., who had previously turned Cooney's offer of a CTW position down, attended King's memorial service. He recalled that afterwards, "The notion that maybe it was time to do something useful was pretty overpowering" and called Cooney to accept soon afterwards.[2]


  • Years before the recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a federal holiday, Sesame Street calendars routinely marked his birthday on January 15th.
  • A painting of King, called "New Day" by Don Miller, appears in a Sesame Street Season 22 filmed segment of a Caucasian boy visiting his African American friend Jamal. He narrates, "that's Dr. Martin Luther King. He was a great African American leader." (First: Episode 2787).
  • In Sesame Street Episode 3578 (1997), Miles reads a poem he wrote about his heroes, including Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as the focus for Episode 5210 of Sesame Street. Archival footage of King's famous 1963 speech at the Lincoln Memorial is used.


  1. Davis, Michael. Street Gang. p.137.
  2. Street Gang. p. 138
  3. p. 252
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