PERFORMER | Lisa Hensley |
DEBUT | 1999 |
Matala was rescued along with Verell in the first season Farscape episode "Back and Back to the Future."
She is Verell's assistant and a Scorvian spy whose goal is to steal Verell's discovery of controlling a black hole. She uses D'Argo's loyalty he feels to the Ilanics, due to the blood alliance they have with the Luxans, to her benefit in an attempt to get the secret of the black hole.
As stated by D'Argo in the episode, Scorvians and Illanics look nothing alike, and according to Aeryn Sun, Matala likely underwent genetic surgery to look like a Scorvian. Additionally, Aeryn finds out Matala is Scorvian due to the way she fights; Matala used a move called the "Scorvian neural strike" during a workout with Aeryn.
She meets her demise when she escapes in the shuttle as Verell manages to break the containment field around the black hole, making the ship implode.