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Maverick is a Western TV series produced by Warner Bros., airing from 1957 to 1962, and starred James Garner as easygoing gambler Bret Maverick. When the star's availability became more limited, a brother was added to alternate as lead, and when Garner left the series entirely, Maverick cousins were brought in. The show was initially a standard Western but soon developed a comedic touch, to the point where it parodied fellow Westerns Gunsmoke and Bonanza.

The series spawned later spinoffs Young Maverick (another cousin) and Bret Maverick (with Garner returning), while a 1994 film version had a higher profile.



  • Dan Blocker played Hognose Hughes in "The Jail at Junction Flats" (1958)
  • James Coburn played Commodore Duval in the 1994 film
  • Corey Feldman played a bank robber in the 1994 film
  • Louise Fletcher played Kathy Bent in "The Saga of Waco Williams" (1959)
  • Jodie Foster played Annabelle Bransford in the 1994 film
  • Mel Gibson played Bret Maverick in the 1994 film
  • Vince Gill played a poker tournament spectator in the 1994 film
  • Danny Glover played the lead bank robber in the 1994 film
  • Joel Grey played Billy the Kid in "Full House" (1959)
  • Waylon Jennings played a man with concealed guns in the 1994 film
  • Martin Landau played Mike Manning in "High Card Hangs" (1958)
  • Reba McEntire played a poker tournament spectator in the 1994 film
  • Roger Moore played Beau Maverick (1960-1961) and John Vandergilt in "The Rivals" (1959)
  • Slim Pickens played Jed in "The Spanish Dancer" (1958), a stagecoach driver in "A State of Siege" (1961), and Roscoe in "Benefit of the Doubt" (1961)
  • John Russell played John Grimes in "rage for Vengeance" (1958), Edgar Maxwell in "The Lonesome Reunion" (1958) and Marshal Dan Troop in "Hadley's Hunters" (1961)
  • William Schallert played Carl in "The Strange Journey of Jenny Hill" (1959)
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