Max Headroom is a character portrayed by Matt Frewer and designed to resemble a computer-generated television host. Originating in a 1985 British music video show, Headroom became ubiquitous in pop culture for a time, appearing in Coca-Cola commercials and in multiple television series in the UK and US, most notably the 1987 scifi drama Max Headroom.
In 1987 Max Headroom appeared on Sesame Street, reciting the alphabet in an insert. (First: Episode 2478)
- The character was spoofed in the Spring 1987 issue of Muppet Magazine, with Link Hogthrob appearing as "Max Hogroom". The Winter 1989 issue featured an interview with Max Headroom series regular Chris Young.
- In the Muppet Babies episode "This Little Piggy Went to Hollywood," Baby Gonzo does a Max Headroom impression and says that he's the weirdest guy on TV.
- In the Farscape episode "John Quixote" (the majority of which takes place in a dream-like game based on John Crichton's memories), a parody of Max Headroom appears throughout the episode, first played by Crichton and then by Stark.