Monster Meditation is a series of animated Sesame Street shorts created in collaboration with Headspace, a paid subscription app which offers meditation services. The company co-founder, Andy Puddicombe, lends his voice and likeness to the segments as Elmo's friend Andy. The shorts were released on the Sesame Street YouTube channel in 2020.
A companion series of books (offering a free Headspace trial with purchase) and a podcast were also produced by Sesame Workshop and Headspace.
Picture | Released | Description |
April 15, 2020 | I-Sense with Cookie Monster "Cookie Monster and Mr. Andy practice patience with a Monster Meditation to build patience." The short was adapted into the book Being Patient with Cookie Monster. (YouTube) | |
April 29, 2020 | Goodnight Body with Elmo "Elmo and Mr. Andy practice a bedtime routine." The short was adapted into the book Getting Ready for Bed with Elmo. (YouTube) | |
May 13, 2020 | Focus Rhyme with Grover "Grover and Mr. Andy practice a rhyme to focus on one task at a time." The short was adapted into the book Time to Focus, Grover! (YouTube) | |
May 27, 2020 | Try Try Again with Two-Headed Monster "Two-Headed Monster's block tower fell over. Mr. Andy helps them to take a break and blow out an imaginary candle before trying a task again." The short was adapted into the book Try, Try Again, Two-Headed Monster. (YouTube) | |
June 10, 2020 | Belly Buddy Breathing with Rosita "Mr. Andy teaches Rosita and Carmen a special monster meditation called “Belly Buddy Breathing.” The short was adapted into the book Time for School, Rosita! (YouTube) | |
June 24, 2020 | Play 123 Freeze with Elmo "Elmo and Mr. Andy play a special Monster Meditation that can help when feeling disappointed because things don't work out the way you planned." The short was adapted into the book A Change of Plans for Elmo! (YouTube) |