Monstermeisterwerke - Das beste aus 25 Jahren ("Monster Masterpieces: The Best of 25 Years") is a forty-five minute Sesamstrasse special that aired in 1998 to commemorate the show's 25th anniversary. In the special, the Muppets of Sesamstrasse (Samson, Tiffy, Rumpel, Finchen and Buh) introduce a series of favorite segments from the show (all American-dubbed material). Clips include:
- "I Love Trash"
- News Flash: Cinderella's Shoe
- "Goodbye, Little Cookie"
- Cookie Monster's Diet
- "The Telephone Opera"
- Sherlock Hemlock and the Broken Window
- "Mah Na Mah Na"
- Caveman Days: Window
- "Octopus' Garden"
- The Count and Gladys the Cow
- "Happy Tappin' with Elmo"
- Professor Hastings's Body Lecture
- Waiter Grover: Fly in Soup
- Ernie and Bert: Cookies in Bed
- "On My Pond"
- Ernie and Bert: Preparing for the Flood
- "Rubber Duckie"
The special was re-aired in 2013 as a part of Die lange Sesamstraßen-Nacht.