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Mrs. Pritchett is an elderly woman who lives in an old house at the end of Oak Street, a dead-end street in Piggy's neighborhood in the Muppet Kids series.

Emily, Melissa and Rosie dare Piggy to go vandalize Mrs. Pritchett's house. Emily says Mrs. Pritchett is a witch because Pritchett once yelled at Rosie for breaking her window with a rock. The girls think her house is "ugly" and haunted. They challenge Piggy to paint "Mrs. Pritchett is a witch" on her front door.

When Piggy goes to complete the dare, she falls on the front steps and scraps her leg. Mrs. Pritchett comes out and soon Piggy discovers that Mrs. Pritchett is actually a kind woman and not a witch. She helps clean and bandage Piggy's scraped and scratched leg, and offers her some raspberry tea. Piggy learns that her house is in a bit of disrepair because she's old and lives alone, not because it's haunted.
