Muppet King Arthur is the third Muppet "fairy tale" comic book adaptation from BOOM! Studios, released in 2010. It was written by Paul Benjamin and Patrick Storck with art by Dave Álvarez for the first issue and James Silvani in issues 2 through 4. "A" cover art is provided by David Petersen with "B" cover art by Álvarez on issues 1 and 2, and Silvani on issue #3 and 4. All four issues have a limited edition "C" cover by Amy Mebberson, available through Jetpack Comics.
- King Arthur - Kermit the Frog
- Morgan le Fey (later Morgana le Fey) - Miss Piggy
- Sir Sam of Eagle - Sam the Eagle
- Mordred - Robin the Frog
- The Lady of the Lake - Janice
- Merlin the Magician - Rowlf the Dog
- Sir Percival - Fozzie Bear
- Sir Lancelot - Gonzo
- Lady Guinevere - Camilla the Chicken
- Sir Gawain - Animal
- Additional Players (in order of appearance) - Delbert the La Choy Dragon on King Arthur's shield, a Skeksis, Lew Zealand, Zoot, Floyd, Dr. Teeth, Slim Wilson, Statler and Waldorf, pigs, penguins, Rizzo the Rat, Seymour, Foo-Foo, Sweetums, Link Hogthrob, Dr. Julius Strangepork, Clueless Morgan, Catgut, Leroy, T.R., Rover Joe, Mahna Mahna, the Snowths, Beauregard, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Gaffer, Sir Cumnavigate, reporter, Sir Mount, crickets, Geri and the Atrics, Baskerville the Hound, Sir Render, Susan Boil, the Swedish Chef, Sal Minella, Bobo the Bear, Hilda, Mildred, Angel Marie, Doglion, camels, camel lot owner, the Tin Man, a dragon, Scooter, Pepe the King Prawn, Professor Phineas A. Plot, Angus McGonagle, Lips, Quongo, Thog, the kangaroo, Marvin Suggs, Louis Kazagger, Crazy Harry, Uncle Deadly, Bobby Benson, Koozebanian Phoob, Mean Mama, Lou, Gladys, Jim, Pops, as well as Whatnots, Frackles, cows and horses
Issue 1[]
- Release date: February 10, 2010
Issue 2[]
- Release date: February 24, 2010
Issue 3[]
- Release date: March 17, 2010
Issue 4[]
- Release date: May 5, 2010
External Links[]
- Tough Pigs 5-page preview of issue 1
- Tough Pigs 5-page preview of issue 2
- Tough Pigs 5-page preview of issue 3
- Tough Pigs 5-page preview of issue 4
See also[]
The Muppet Show Comic Book: | Muppet Classics:
BOOM! Motion Comics: |