Muppet Peter Pan is a four-part comic book mini-series released by BOOM! Studios in 2009 and 2010. The comic is a retelling of the tale of Peter Pan with the Muppets written by Grace Randolph with artwork by Amy Mebberson and alternate covers by David Petersen and Shelli Paroline.
- Peter Pan - Kermit the Frog
- Piggytink (Tinker Bell) - Miss Piggy
- Captain Gonzo (Captain Hook) - Gonzo
- Wendy Darling - Janice
- John Darling - Scooter
- Michael Darling - Bean Bunny
- Mr. Darling/Narrator - Sam the Eagle
- Nana - Camilla
- Mr. Smee - Rizzo the Rat
- Mr. Starkey - Sweetums
- Other Pirates - Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Lew Zealand, Statler and Waldorf
- Indian-like Hippies:
- Firecheeks Floyd - Floyd Pepper
- His High Grooviness Dr. Goldentooth - Dr. Teeth,
- Zoot Runningmouth - Zoot
- He-Who-Runs-With-Sharks - Animal (who insists on using his real name)
- Wagon-Chef - The Swedish Chef
- Lost Boys:
- Tootles - Fozzie Bear
- Slightly - Rowlf the Dog
- Nibbs - Pepe the King Prawn
- Himself - Louis Kazagger
Issue 1[]
- Release Date: September 23, 2009
Issue 2[]
- Release Date: October 28, 2009
Issue 3[]
- Release Date: November 25, 2009
Issue 4[]
- Release Date: January 20, 2010
Trade collection[]
Robin the Frog was originally supposed to be Michael, as the cover of the solicited version seems to imply. In the end, the part went to Bean Bunny, and Robin didn't end up appearing in the comic at all.
See also[]
The Muppet Show Comic Book: | Muppet Classics:
BOOM! Motion Comics: |