Muppet puzzles created by Milton Bradley, as tie-ins for The Muppet Show, The Muppet Movie and The Great Muppet Caper.
The Muppet Show, 1977-1979[]
The Muppet Movie, 1979[]
This set of puzzles was released in 1979 to tie in with The Muppet Movie.
View-Master, 1980[]
This set of puzzles used photographs that originally appeared in the Muppet View-Master reels "The Muppets' Audition Night" and "The Muppets Go Hawaiian".
The Muppet Show, 1980-1981[]
The Great Muppet Caper[]
Puzzles released as a tie-in with The Great Muppet Caper.
Great Lovers, 1981[]
Puzzles based on The Miss Piggy Calendar 1982, "Great Lovers of the Silver Screen".
School, 1982[]
In 1982, Milton Bradley produced a line of Muppet puzzles based on school themes. These images were also used on Muppet notebooks produced in 1982 by Stuart Hall.
Great Muppet Moments, 1983[]
These images were also used on Muppet notebooks made in 1983 by Stuart Hall.