PERFORMER | Sverre Holm |
DEBUT | 1991 |
O. Tidemann is the station master of Sesam Stasjon, a kind but somewhat blustery grandfatherly-type who generally manages to keep the station running smoothly, even if he doesn't always get the peace and quiet he wants.
His full name is a mystery; not even the other characters know what the "O" stands for (in the first episode of Sesam Stasjon, Alfa asked him if the "O" was short for Otto, but he said it wasn't). However, it does seem that it's a family tradition to name the children alphabetically: Tidemann's father was named N. Tidemann, his grandfather M. Tidemann, his great-grandfather L. Tidemann, and so on. O. Tidemann himself is the "third generation station master" of Sesam Stasjon, having inherited the job from his father and grandfather.