O Desafio do Elmo ("Elmo's Challenge") is an animated Sesame Street co-production that premiered on September 26, 2016 on TV Cultura and TV Brasil. Twenty-six, 2 1/2-minute shorts were produced and run in between programs on both channels.[1] The series is connected to Sesame Workshop's Dream, Save, Do initiative, using the same cast of American Muppet characters (Elmo, Cookie Monster, Grover, Louie and Mae) and international ones (Lola, Bel, Lily and Chamki), all dubbed into Portuguese. The shorts were subsequently incorporated into the Brazilian co-production Sésamo.
In each episode, Elmo and one of his friends participate in an activity, when suddenly, Grover appears to host a game show that will help the two solve their problem.
Voice cast[]
- Kelly Guidotti as Elmo and Mae
- André Milano as Grover
- Thais Carvalho as Bel, Lily and Chamki
- Hugo Picchi as Come-Come (Cookie Monster)
- Marilice Consenza as Lola
- Jonathan Faria as Louie
- ↑ "Game show "O Desafio do Elmo" marca a estreia da Sésamo na área de animação". EBC Instructional