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1 flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest began life as a 1962 novel by Ken Kesey, was adapted for the Broadway stage by Dale Wasserman in 1963, and became a feature length film in 1976. All three are set in an Oregon asylum, and the film won five Academy Awards.


  • A movie marquee displays the title of the film in a Sesame Street video segment of a father and daughter riding a bus around town. (First: Episode 0926)
  • The hospital PA in Sesame Street Episode 3096 calls for Nurse Ratched (the cruel asylum nurse in the movie). Years later, a mail carrier has mail for Nurse Ratched in Episode 3527.
  • In the opening narration of the Farscape comic book issue "One Big Happy Family," recounting the previous issue's story, John Crichton says, "We went shopping on a commerce planet only to find that everyone had flown over the cuckoo's nest ... Instead of waiting for Nurse Ratched to show up, we got outta Dodge."


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