Oscar's Handmade Halloween is a Sesame Street Halloween special that premiered on Max on October 5, 2023, and aired on the Discovery Family channel, following Cookie Monster's Bake Sale, on October 22. The special stars Oscar the Grouch and Food Network's Sunny Anderson as they, along with child helpers, turn refuse into costumes for shelter dogs for a Halloween parade.
Elmo and Tango appear to make a garbage truck float for the parade. Abby Cadabby and the Two-Headed Monster make minor appearances at the shelter during the parade.
- Executive Producers: Sal Perez, Kay Wilson Stallings
- Co-Executive Producer: Andrew Moriarty
- Senior Producers: Karyn Leibovich, Stephanie Longardo, Autumn Zitanti-Stefano, M.A.
- Director: Benjamin Lehmann
- Writer: Joy Regullano
- Host: Sunny Anderson
- Sesame Street Puppet Performers: Leslie Carrara-Rudolph, Ryan Dillon, Eric Jacobson, Carmen Osbahr, Megan Piphus Peace, Martin P. Robinson
- Puppet Captains: Martin P. Robinson, Matt Vogel
- Senior Vice President of Curriculum and Content: Rosemarie T. Truglio, Ph.D.
- Sesame Street Curriculum and Content Team: Hei Min You, Autumn Zitanti-Stefano, M.A.
- Script Supervisor: Jennifer Capra
- The Jim Henson Company NY Creature Shop / Henson Production
- Puppets, Costumes, and Props: Michael Bush, Ben Durocher, Richard Dyar, Allison Green, Tyler Hall, Michelle Hickey, Joshua Holden, Rollie Krewson, Lara MacLean, Laura Manns
- Creative Supervisor: Jason Weber
- Senior Production Manager: Melissa Creighton
- Production Supervisor: Joseph Roddy
- Music Director: Bill Sherman
- Music Director (Vocals): Paul Rudolph
- Composer (Underscore): Zach Marsh
- "Oscar's Handmade Halloween" Song
- Music by Bill Sherman
- Lyrics by Joy Regullano
- Music Editor/ADR Mixer: Paul Rudolph