Our Street Is Sesame Street is a live show that premiered at Sesame Place on May 24, 2019. Unlike the other shows in the park, this show takes place in the Sesame Neighborhood area. The show is also unique in that it utilizes puppet versions of Elmo and Abby Cadabby (fabricated by the Jim Henson Workshop) rather than the walk-around versions, although the Big Bird walk-around is still used.
In the fifteen-minute show, Elmo, Abby, Big Bird and a human cast member welcome new neighbor Carmen, a toucan from Costa Rica.
The Muppet performers (Ryan Dillon, Leslie Carrara-Rudolph and Matt Vogel) all provide the character vocal tracks for the show. Carmen Osbahr voices Carmen. Pam Arciero directed the show and trained the puppeteers.[1] A Halloween version of the show with Count von Count titled "Our Street on Halloween" debuted on September 17, 2022.
- "Our Street Is Sesame Street"
- "Hola"
- "That's Music"
- "It's the Letter of the Day - S"
- "Try a Little Kindness"
Halloween Version Songs[]
- "It's Halloween"
- "What Can I Be?"
- "Pumpkin Face Song"
- "Number of the Day - 13"
- "I Spy"
- "Fun Fall Day"
- ↑ Instagram post by Pam Arciero