Poverty Pictures was a New York-based animation studio, specializing in commercial work, which produced a series of cartoon inserts for Sesame Street, which debuted in the show's first season.
The studio was founded in 1967 by three animators: George Bakes, Cliff Roberts, and John Paratore;[1] the Sesame Street cartoons were animated by Paratore and Roberts (who later animated his own segments and illustrated the Sesame Street comic strip).
F — A man tries to remember a word beginning with the letter F, and another man lists as many words as he can think of to help him. (First: Episode 0128)
H — A man tries to talk about the letter H, but a second man interrupts him by listing H words. (First: Episode 0020)
K — Karen the Kangaroo talks about words that start with the letter K. Featuring the sped-up voice of Gene Moss. (First: Episode 0142)
Q — A man demonstrates Q words, although the unruly stem of his letter Q keeps detaching itself. (First: Episode 0048)
T — A man in glasses explains T words and abuses another character with some of them (he's tangled and twirled in twine). The latter turns out to be a cop, who presents him with a ticket for his trash. (First: Episode 0020)