Prince Valiant, or Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur, is an American comic strip created by Hal Foster in 1937. The comic is a medieval adventure strip told in a continuous storyline. While working on the Tarzan comic, Foster developed the idea for Prince Valiant, creating a non-traditional strip which does not employ word balloons, but rather panels which narrate the story.
- The strip was referenced in the Muppet Babies episode "Comic Capers," when Baby Fozzie turns Baby Scooter into the title character during a computer mishap.
- Warwick Davis played Pechet in the 1997 film
- Edward Fox played King Arthur in the 1997 film
- Teri Garr voiced Selena on The Legend of Prince Valiant (two episodes, 1993)
- Udo Kier played Sligon in the 1997 film
- Bruce Lanoil supplied additional voices in The Legend of Prince Valiant episode "Dawn of Darkness" (1992)
- Joanna Lumley played Morgana le Fay in the 1997 film
- James Mason played Sir Brack in the 1954 film
- Clive Revill voiced the Mighty Om on The Legend of Prince Valiant (three episodes, 1993)
- Stu Rosen voice directed and supplied additional voices on The Legend of Prince Valiant (1991-1994)
- David Warner voiced Duke Richard and others on The Legend of Prince Valiant (1993)
- Wil Wheaton voiced Prince Michael on The Legend of Prince Valiant (four episodes, 1993)