Pulp Fiction is an Academy Award-winning film directed by Quentin Tarantino in 1994. The film is composed of stories set up in a series of vignettes, which ultimately all inter-relate.
The Muppet Parodies 1998 Calendar featured Miss Piggy as Uma Thurman's character from the film's promotional poster. The parody itself also went on to be featured as a poster, produced commercially. Two versions of the poster are in circulation, one with Piggy holding a lollipop, another with a pencil.
- Michael Gilden played Phillip Morris Page
- Kathy Griffin played herself
- Samuel L. Jackson played Jules Winnefeld
- Quentin Tarantino played Jimmie Dimmick
- Uma Thurman played Mia Wallace
- John Travolta played Vincent Vega
- Christopher Walken played Captain Koons
- Bruce Willis played Butch Coolidge