Pushing Daisies is a comedy drama produced for ABC which debuted on October 3, 2007. The series tells the story of a man who has the power to resurrect the dead by a single touch.
Jim Henson's Creature Shop built an animatronic pigeon for the series' fourth episode, which was puppeteered by Michael Oosterom.
- David Arquette played Randy Mann in four episodes
- Kristin Chenoweth played Olive Snook
- Ellen Greene played Vivian Charles
- Jessica Lundy played Hilary Hundin in "Bitches"
- Paul Reubens played Oscar Vibenius in "Smell of Success" and "Corpsicle"
- Molly Shannon played Dilly Balsam in "Bitter Sweets"
- French Stewart played Woolsey Nicholls in "Bzzzzzzzz!"
- Gina Torres played Lila Robinson in "Water & Power"