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Book.Raiders of the Lost Cheese
Based on "Raiders of the Lost Cheese"
Published 2000
Adapted by Kiki Thorpe
Illustrator Barry Goldberg
Original story Andy Yerkes
Pages 22
Publisher Simon Spotlight
ISBN 0-689-83391-1

In the Bear in the Big Blue House book Raiders of the Lost Cheese, adventurous Ojo and Sir Tutter discover something mysterious and exciting in Atticania -- a treasure map. Tutter recognizes the initials on the map (T.T.T.) as those of his great-grandfather, Tutterly T. Tutter, and the map leads to his treasure --- the great lost cheese. Pretty soon, everyone joins in the fun to help Tutter find this legendary cheese.

This book, which is named as a spoof on Raiders of the Lost Ark, combines original illustrations and photos of the characters from the show. The paperback version of this book included a free poster.
