Rugrats is an animated television show produced by Klasky Csupo and first aired on Nickelodeon in 1991. This series focuses on the point of view of a group of babies, including Tommy Pickles, Chuckie Finster, Phil and Lil DeVille, and Angelica Pickles. The series led to movies, the spin-off All Grown Up, and a 2021 computer animated revamp (which postdated the CG revamp of Muppet Babies).
In 2024, Jim Henson's Creature Shop constructed walk-around versions of Tommy and Chuckie for the Nickelodeon Riviera Maya resort in Mexico.[1]
Muppet Mentions[]
- In the second season episode "Toys in the Attic," Tommy's maternal grandparents, Boris and Minka, argue over which one of them will turn on the TV show "Sesame Seed" (Sesame Street).
- After a June 1994 airing of Rugrats on the Children's BBC block, host Toby Anstis asks Kermit the Frog what the chances of a frog equivalent are. Kermit mulls over the title "Tadpolerats" while the host suggests "Rugpoles."
- Richard Ayoade voiced Duffy in the 2021 series
- Craig Bartlett was a writer (1991-1993)
- Justine Bateman voiced an art patron in the episode "Opposites Attract/The Art Museum" (1999)
- Jim Belushi voiced Santa Claus in "Babies in Toyland" (2002)
- Abraham Benrubi voiced Serge in The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Gregg Berger provided voices
- Ron Campbell was a storyboard artist and sheet timer (1993-2001)
- Nancy Cartwright voiced Chuckie Finster (2002 onward)
- Dan Castellaneta voiced Hershowitz and others in "Pickles vs Pickles" (1994) and Jonathan (5 episodes, 1997-2002)
- Kim Cattrall voiced Melinda Finster in "Mother's Day" (1997)
- Christine Cavanaugh voiced Chuckie Finster (1991-2002)
- Margaret Cho voiced Lt. Klavin in The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Peter Chung directed episodes
- Tim Curry voiced Rex Pestor in The Rugrats Movie (1998), a sumo singer in Rugrats in Paris (2000), and Nigel Thornberry in Rugrats Go Wild (2003)
- E.G. Daily voiced Tommy Pickles
- Adrienne Frantz voiced Emica in "All Growed Up" (2001)
- Cynthia Friedlob wrote story for six episodes (1996-1998)
- Rick Gitelson wrote episodes
- Len Glasser was a sheet timer
- Whoopi Goldberg voiced Ranger Margaret in The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Scott Gray wrote episodes
- Jonathan Greenberg wrote episodes
- Jameela Jamil voiced Lady De-Clutter in "Lady De-Clutter" (2021)
- Tony Jay voiced Dr. Lipschitz and others (1992-2002)
- David Jeremiah voiced the plumber in "Tell-Tale Cell Phone" (2001)
- Mitchell Kriegman wrote episodes (1991-1998)
- Cyndi Lauper sang the song "I Want a Mom That Will Last Forever" in Rugrats in Paris (2000)
- Katie Leigh provided voices
- Lisa Loeb performed the song "All Day" for The Rugrats Movie soundtrack (1998)
- John Lithgow voiced Jean-Claude in Rugrats in Paris (2000)
- Danny Mann voiced minor characters (1991-1992)
- Michele Mariana voiced Mrs. Chesapeake in "Momma Trauma" (1991)
- Garry Marshall voiced Fred in "Club Fred" (2002)
- Andrea Martin voiced Aunt Miriam in the series and in The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Patricia Marx wrote episodes
- Art Mawhinney was a storyboard artist
- Michael McKean voiced Lou Pickles in the 2021 series
- Phillip Namanworth wrote songs for the series
- Mark Palmer wrote episodes
- Pat Paulsen voiced the garbageman in "Feeding Hubert/Spike the Wonder Dog" (1993)
- Lou Rawls voiced a newborn in The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Paul Reubens voiced Hermie the Elf in "Babies in Toyland" (2002)
- Kevin Michael Richardson voiced a sumo singer in Rugrats in Paris (2000)
- Dawn Robinson voiced a newborn in The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Pat Sajak voiced himself in "Chuckie is Rich" (1993)
- Susan Sarandon voiced Madame Coco LaBouche in Rugrats in Paris (2000)
- John Semper was a writer (1996-1998)
- Jamshied Sharifi scored The Rugrats Movie (1998)
- Ashley Spillers voiced Didi Pickles in the 2021 series
- Tara Strong voiced Dil Pickles and Timmy McNulty
- Cree Summer voiced Susie Carmichael
- Patric Verrone wrote episodes
- Henry Winkler voiced Boris Kropotkin in the 2021 series
- Hattie Winston voiced Lucy Carmichael
- Paul Williams voiced the train conductor and a walkie talkie elf in "Babies in Toyland" (2002)
- Bruce Willis voiced Spike in Rugrats Go Wild (2003)