Sabine Plessner in Wer weint denn schon im Freudenhaus?
Sabine Plessner is a German voice actress who dubbed Mokey Fraggle on Die Fraggles (the German co-production of Fraggle Rock) and in Die Muppets feiern Weihnacht (A Muppet Family Christmas).
Plessner was most active in the 1970s and '80s, dubbing Sissy Spacek in Carrie, Margaret Nelson in Picnic at Hanging Rock, and Geraldine Chaplin in Z.G.B. TV dubs included Megan Follows on Anne of Green Gables and Melissa Sue Anderson on Little House on the Prairie, as well as multiple child roles on I, Claudius. Her only film role was in the 1970 sex comedy Wer weint denn schon im Freudenhaus? (with Thomas Reiner).