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Aeryn Sun, one of the many gun-toting Sebaceans on the other side of the galaxy.

Sebaceans are an alien race from Farscape.

They are the core species of the Peacekeepers, a militaristic organization who enforce the law of the lands they inhabit. There are, however, non-military Sebacean settlements on various planets.


In the Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars miniseries, Yondalao explains that tens of thousands of years ago, the Eidelons needed a guard ("a race no one had quarrel with") to administer peace throughout the galaxy. A primitive species unheard of by anyone before (implied to be humans) was chosen and had their evolution accelerated ("with generous alterations"), becoming Sebaceans and the Eidolons' trusted acolytes — the Peacekeepers.


Aeryn-heat delirium

Aeryn suffers from heat delirium.

Sebacean organ-Prayer

A hologram of the Sebacean reproductive organ in "Prayer"


Sebacean-Pilot hybrid in "DNA Mad Scientist"

Although they have various internal differences, Sebaceans are so physically similar to humans as to be outwardly indistinguishable from them; John Crichton is often mistaken for a Sebacean. Sebaceans have longer lifespans and sharper senses than humans, but have an extreme sensitivity to heat. Sebaceans may suffer heat delirium if exposed to extreme temperatures for a prolonged time. If left untreated, heat delirium can lead to the "Living Death," a comatose state in which they have lost most of their higher brain functions; it is the only time that Sebaceans kill their own out of mercy.

The paraphoral nerve is an internal organ of the Sebaceans used to eliminate toxins from the body. If it is damaged, death will occur within 50-60 hours. The only known treatment for a damaged paraphoral nerve is either a transplantation of a healthy organ from a compatible donor or a synthesized sample injected into the patient.

Sebaceans have a unique reproductive system. As explained by Vreena in "Prayer:"

The Sebacean egg is fertilized. It splits with life. It splits again. The ovum secretes a fluid that keeps the pregnancy in stasis. Literally freezes the explosion of life. She can store this proto-fetus for up to seven cycles before triggering gestation.

In short, Sebaceans can technically be pregnant for seven years before giving birth, and only a surgeon can release the stasis. This is advantageous for Sebacean Peacekeepers, whose military campaigns can last for many years. Aeryn tells John Crichton in "Natural Election," "Imagine if even a portion of a female unit fell pregnant."

Sebaceans are compatible with a variety of species. Sebecean women have given birth to children with humans (D'Argo Sun-Crichton), Luxans (Ka Jothee), and Scarrans (Scorpius), and the scientist Namtar experimented with Sebacean-Pilot hybrids.



A group of Sebaceans study Yemahl's teachings.

As previously mentioned, not all Sebaceans are Peacekeepers. Some Sebaceans live in farming colonies, such as Prybella. Some also study the teachings of Yemahl, who promoted pacifism.

In the episode "Prayer," Aeryn prays to and recounts the tale of the Sebacean goddess Djancaz-Bru. Six worlds worshipped her, building temples and conquering planets in her name. Then, one day Djancaz-Bru destroyed all six worlds. When asked why she did it by her last dying warrior, Djancaz-Bru replied, "Because I can."
