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The Sesame Street Band[1] is a musical aggregation which appeared periodically on Sesame Street beginning in Season 18 and as late as 25. The outdoor group rehearsed or performed on the street itself.

Bob, the conductor, refers to it as "a little orchestra" when they're first put together in Episode 2229.

The initial group consisted of the following, mixing the adults and the kids (including older kids):

Gordon and Miss Trump were gone by the fourth appearance, and later episodes had different kid musicians. Sharon remained the most consistent member apart from Bob, though she too was gone by later Season 22 appearances.

Not using the "Sesame Street Band" term, Bob had previously conduced the "Sesame Street Ramblers," a small band made up of Muppets in Episode 1650. Years later he returned to conducting by leading a class of children in Episode 4326 (joined by Abby Cadabby on timpani).



  1. name used in scripts