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July 2005: Bedtime is the theme of this special issue of Sesame Street Magazine. "Good night, sleep tight" welcomes the opening notes. Content in this issue is designed to deal with bedtime fears and anxieties, and to help turn bedtime into fun time. Cynthia Jabar, Maggie Swanson, Robert Neubecker, Tom Brannon, Joe Ewers, David Dees, Bob Berry, Colleen Pidel and Ron Zalme all provided illustrations for this issue. This issue also includes content from Sesame Street Sign Language ABC with Linda Bove.

Includes a mini-poster called Sittin' on the Moon featuring Ernie sitting on the moon in pajamas, from the book I Don't Want to Live on the Moon, illustrated by Dagmar Fehlau. The poster page also includes a cut-out bookmark with the phases of the moon.

Big Bird's Fridge includes the book Elmo in Dreamland. The characters' bedtime routines are shown throughout the magazine. The Global Grover feature notes that at the time many Sesame Street characters are getting ready for bed, there are places in the world where people are playing in the park in the afternoon, or starting school in the morning.

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June 2005 August 2005