Sesame Street at Night? is a half-hour PBS special hosted by Gene Shalit, with featured appearances by Grover, that aired in March of 1977 to celebrate Sesame Street's 1,000th episode.[1]
According to press materials,
- Beat the Time: Cookie Monster
- "A Postcard from Amy"
- Waiter Grover: Alphabet soup
- Ernie and Bert Sketches: Apartment: rhyming game
- "Martian Beauty"
- A gorilla applies for a job
- Speech Balloon: E-egg
- Sesame Street News Flash: Christopher Columbus
- "How Do You Do?"
- ↑ "Shalit to host "Sesame Street," Kenosha WI: Kenosha News, 12 March 1977, page 45.
- ↑ Jim Henson's Red Book entry