"Snow on Sesame Street" is a Sesame Street story arc that took place over several episodes in Season 13 (1982).
Unlike previous stretches of episodes that saw the Sesame Street dressed for snow, this arc has a narrative tying the entries together. The story involves cousins of Sesame Street's residents coming to visit from drastically different climates. Maria's cousin Mercedes flies in from Puerto Rico, and a distant penguin cousin of Big Bird's named Zero has traveled all the way from the South Pole.
Picture | Description |
Episode 1617 Maria's cousin Mercedes comes to visit | |
Episode 1618 A very chilly day on Sesame Street | |
Episode 1619 Zero the Penguin comes to visit | |
Episode 1620 The snow storm reaches Sesame Street | |
Episode 1621 Making deliveries in the blizzard | |
Episode 1622 Big Bird pretends to be a penguin | |
Episode 1623 Pretend penguins | |
Episode 1624 Big Bird and Snuffy bring Puerto Rico to Sesame Street | |
Episode 1625 Mercedes and Zero head back home |