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Pet or Pal?[]

On the Muppet Pets lists Bernice is listed as Bert's pet. Although I can't recall the pet/owner relationship ever being established. Which brings the questions, is Bernice Bert's pet or just a neighborhood pigeon that is a good friend of Bert's? -- BradFraggle 06:49, 18 March 2006 (UTC)

Bernice is definitely Bert's pet. He teaches her to play checkers, and in general, her sketches imply that she lives with Ernie and Bert. That's my take, anyway. It's never indicated that she just happens to be around and they let her into the apartment. --Andrew, Aleal 11:46, 18 March 2006 (UTC)
I Googled it, and found one of Sesame Workshop's Sesame Street Beat newsletters from July 2000. One of the trivia questions is: "Bert's pet pigeon is named..." Now, a "Sesame Street Beat" trivia quiz is hardly an unimpeachable source, but that's at least one source related to Sesame Workshop... -- Danny Toughpigs 17:23, 18 March 2006 (UTC)
The 1991 book My Name Is Bert also mentions that Bernice is Bert's pet. -- Danny (talk) 06:42, 15 February 2009 (UTC)