Sheldon Peters Wolfchild[]
IMDb lists this actor as playing a character also named Sheldon in this episode. Can anyone point out where he appears, if at all? Because if it's a mistake, I'm moving his name from the list. Garrettk41 17:52, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
Was this page compiled form incomplete video material? The guide starts with a Sesame Street News Flash segment, and it would be weird for Sesame Street News to be the first thing shown in an episode (most episopdes begin with street scenes, or, in the case of episodes where the cast travels, scenes at the episodes location). Also, there is no still image of the episode number, just a still from another part the opening. I think that this is enough evidence that the page was made from compiling incomplete video material, yet there is no "incomplete video material" tag on this page. --Minor muppetz 15:44, 17 November 2007 (UTC)