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I'm not sure if this should count as a Christmas episode. The page itself has no details, and I don't think I ever saw the episode, but here's what has (taken from the print TVGuide listing): "Spit invents an alien holiday to get out of an assignment at school. But his plan backfires when the principal asks him to put on an explanatory pageant." So clearly a fake holiday is involved, but outside of a pageant, I'm not sure it's very Christmasy, plus it aired in August. The other episodes about fictional holidays, like "Bells of Fraggle Rock" or "Refrigerator Day," have more obvious parallels or were announced and marketed as Christmas episodes. Andrew Leal (talk) -- 17:54, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

I don't even know of anyone who has episodes of this to check. Not too long ago, someone posted a complete episode on a file storage site, but I can't find it anymore. I'm pretty sure it wasn't this episode anyway. —Scott (talk) 15:11, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I went ahead and removed the tag. If it can be proven, we can re-add it later. -- Andrew Leal (talk) 16:57, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
I want to bring this up again since I saw on Youtube (See here (YouTube)) and thought why not bring it up again. Anyway, it kinda sounds Christmasy because according to Spit's fake story about Tweeznax, it involves the decorating of a rock with meat, a reptile animal name Uncle Tweeznax (Like Santa Claus) that rides a giant worm to eat the meat and leave presents for boys and girls. Also Cookie Brody does use a vealchop like a mistletoe to kiss Doug Brody. However, I don't know who post this talk first since they didn't signed in, but the person made a good point that it is fake and it aired in August which is different from "Bells of Fraggle Rock" and "Refrigerator Day" which are marketed as Christmas Episodes and aired in December. The holiday does follow under fictional holiday, but I just wonder if we should re-add it again as a Christmas episode based on the fake story or just leave it alone since it could follow any other holidays. Debate, Answer, or Question it? Steven (talk) 21:20, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
I've seen the episode now (and asked the original query), so even with the fake story, I'd be hesitant to recategorize it as a true Christmas analogue. --Andrew Leal (talk) 23:28, September 29, 2009 (UTC)