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The episode being from season 21[]

This article explains Sesame Street beginning its 21st season, which mentions Gabriella starting day care, Gina graduating from High School, and Miles starting kindegarten (whom was 5-years old) at the time. And as I showed in one of my edit summaries, this explains Miles starting kindergarten under "1990". Just clarifying everything up so nothing will get reverted. Wattamack4 00:06, February 28, 2010 (UTC)Alex

Here's something I've also wondered[]

I noticed at the beginning, Gina mentions Miles (like I mentioned in the article), but also mentions the song was dedicated to two other characters named "Caroline" and "Travis". Anyone know who these 2 characters were by any chance? Wattamack4 03:53, February 26, 2010 (UTC)ALex

Without seeing the full episode, which would fill in the context, presumably just two other random kids from that period. -- Andrew Leal (talk) 03:58, February 26, 2010 (UTC)
I know a former user on YouTube known as "TV40Plus" or something like that has this episode, but unfortunetly, he/she got suspended. I ceartainly wish I knew his/her email... Wattamack4 21:53, February 26, 2010 (UTC)Alex
I saw this episode when I was a kid -- I think Caroline was a little-girl Muppet and Travis was a random kid. I seem to recall Telly interviewing them about it, and also interviewing several other Street residents about their own first days of kindergarten. I'm not certain about any of this, though. --GrantHarding 17:27, March 13, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, it's alright. I guess we really won't know for sure unless SW uploads some street scenes of this episode or if I could find TV40Plus' email adress. Wattamack4 18:22, March 13, 2010 (UTC)Alex


What's the source for the name of this song? —Scott (talk) 03:14, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

I, myself, aren't sure what the name of this song is either. I think it's either "Kindergarten" or "Starting Kindergarten Today". I'm also not sure if this song was just used for a street scene in one particular episode, or if this song was used in other episodes as well. Wattamack4 03:37, 7 July 2009 (UTC)Alex
Alas, I have gotten the official title. ;) Wattamack4 01:30, February 26, 2010 (UTC)Alex