Taxi Driver is an Academy Award-nominated 1976 movie directed by Martin Scorsese. The film focuses on a troubled cab driver, Travis Bickle, and his attempts to connect with others, ultimately trying to save a young prostitute.
- Episode 3117 of Sesame Street includes a famous exchange from the film between Oscar the Grouch and Jodie Foster, one of the film's stars. After Jodie has made a big deal out of telling Oscar that she really likes him a whole lot, Oscar looks around and asks, "You talkin' to me?" She replies, "Well, there's nobody else here."
- When Telly Monster is looking for the courage to take on Ronald Grump in Stars and Street Forever, he calls the Tough Guy Hotline. His call is answered by John Goodman, who is seen lifting weights and delivering "tough guy" lines such as, "are you talkin' to me?"
- Telly shares the "You talkin' to me?" exchange with a Muppet cab driver in episode 3718 of Sesame Street.
- The "Mouths" episode of Elmo's World has Mr. Noodle whistling for a taxi. The driver is a Green Anything Muppet caricature of Travis Bickle.
- A Muppet Celebrity T-shirt was designed by Robert De Niro, and featured Kermit with a spoof of one of the movie's most famous lines, "You croakin' to me?"
- Oscar the Grouch appears on a Sesame Street t-shirt with the movie's famous line, "You talkin' to me?"
- In Tales of a Sixth-Grade Muppet: The Good, the Bad, and the Fuzzy, Pepe the King Prawn spoofs the movie's famous line as "Are you looking at me, okay?", among other famous movie lines during his audition for the Muppets' band camp movie.
- A postcard on the Two-Headed Monster's newsstand on Sesame Street depicts a cartoon pigeon saying "You talkin' to me?"
- Robert De Niro played Travis Bickle
- Jodie Foster played Iris
- Peter Boyle played Wizard
- Albert Brooks played Tom
- Charles Scorsese played Iris' father