The Beverly Hillbillies is a sitcom that aired on CBS for nine seasons, from 1962 to 1971. The series centers around the rural Clampett family, who move to Beverly Hills when patriarch Jed discovers oil. It spawned a film adaptation in 1993.
Muppet Mentions[]
- In the season nine episode "Lib and Let Lib," Granny briefly mentions that Jethro has recently taken to watching Sesame Street.
- In the April 15, 1965 edition of The Jimmy Dean Show, Rowlf the Dog awaits the arrival of Jimmy Dean's kid cousin Calvin. When Calvin, an adult male, wanders onto the set, Rowlf attempts to redirect him to The Beverly Hillbillies instead.
- Diedrich Bader played Jethro in the 1993 film adaptation
- Roy Clark played Cousin Roy in three episodes (1968-1969)
- Imogene Coca played Granny's Maw in The Return of the Beverly Hillbillies (1981 TV movie)
- Dabney Coleman played Milburn Drysdale in the 1993 film adaptation
- Rosalind Knight played Vanessa in "War of the Roses" (1968)
- Cloris Leachman played Granny in the 1993 film adaptation
- Rich Little appeared as himself in "The Pollution Solution" (1970)
- Paul Lynde played a passport clerk in "Jed Inherits a Castle" (1967)
- Tommy Morgan played harmonica for the series' theme song
- Dolly Parton appeared as herself in the 1993 film adaptation
- Don Rickles played Fred in "Jed's Temptation" (1965)
- Rob Schneider played Woodrow Tyler in the 1993 film adaptation
- John Stephenson played Mr. Landman in "Jed Pays His Income Tax" (1963) and Professor Graham in "Cabin in Beverly Hills" and "Jed Foils a Home Wrecker" (both 1964)
- Lea Thompson played Laura Jackson in the 1993 film adaptation
- Lily Tomlin played Jane Hathaway in the 1993 film adaptation