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Songs from The Dark Crystal
Released 1982
Format LP
Label Warner Bros. Records
Cat no. 1-23749

The Dark Crystal: The Original Sound Track features Trevor Jones' musical score written for the film, arranged specifically for an album listening experience. It was originally released with a fold-out poster of Brian Froud's artwork. The album reached #204 on Billboard's Bubbling Under the Top LPs chart.

In 2007, the original LP was reissued on CD, featuring remastered tracks. The CD release comes with an 8-page booklet containing exclusive liner notes.

This album was also reissued on compact disc as a 2-CD set, with one disc featuring the LP version of the score, and the other disc featuring the score as heard in the film.

Track listing[]

Side One

  1. Overture (3:11) - (Trumpet Solo: Maurice Murphy)
  2. The Power Ceremony (3:57)
  3. The Storm (1:03)
  4. The Mystic Master Dies (0:51)
  5. The Funerals / Jen's Journey (5:25)- (Harp Solo: Skaila Kanga; Flageolet Solo: Christopher Taylor)
  6. The Skeksis Duel (1:41)
  7. The Pod Dance (3:14) - (Percussion: Morris Pert; Solo Pipes: Richard Harvey)

Side Two

  1. Love Theme (3:17) - (Recorder Solo: Christopher Taylor)
  2. Gelfling Song (1:11)- (Flageolet: Christopher Taylor; Singer: Catherine Bott; Synthesized Sounds Realized on the Fairlight Computer)
  3. The Gelfling Ruins (1:43)
  4. The Landstrider Journey (0:44)
  5. The Great Conjunction (4:13)
  6. Finale (7:14)

Other releases[]

International releases[]

  • 92 37491 (Warner Bros. Records LP, Canada)
  • CBS 70233 (CBS Records LP, UK)

2003 Expansion[]

Songs from The Dark Crystal
Released 2003
Format 2-CD
Label Numenorean Music
Cat no. NMCD 003

In 2003, Numenorean Music released Trevor Jones' The Dark Crystal soundtrack on a two-disc limited edition compact disc set. The first disc was a reissue of the original studio recording made expressly for commercial release on LP and cassette in 1982. The second disc contains the film's soundtrack as intended for the final mix, previously unreleased, save for the isolated score track included on the film's DVD release.

While the first disc represents the music as arranged by the composer for listening outside the context of the film, the second disc preserves the music as written to match the visuals of the narrative. Both versions of the score were performed by the London Symphony Orchestra with Marcus Dods conducting.

The CD was a limited edition printing of 5,000.

DISC TWO - The Complete Film Score

  1. Opening Titles and Main Theme/Mystics' Sandpainting (4:54)
  2. Jen Plays His Pipes (0:56)
  3. Jen Goes To His Dying Master (0:39)
  4. The Death of The Emperor/Death of the Mystic Master/Mystics Memorial Ceremony/Jen's Journey Through the New World (3:18)
  5. Skeksis Debate Leadership/Skeksis Duel (Film Version) (3:10)
  6. Chamberlain Is Attacked (1:10)
  7. Skeksis Summoned By Alarm (0:50)
  8. Garthim Are Dispatched/Jen On Aughra's Mountain (2:29)
  9. Jen Enters Aughra's Observatory (1:11)
  10. Jen Discovers Shard (0:22)
  11. Observatory Destroyed/Mystics Set Out (1:18)
  12. Gelflings Meet/Dreamfast (1:11)
  13. Skeksis Feast - Part One (1:17)
  14. Skeksis Feast - Part Two (0:30)
  15. Batbirds Dispatched/Environmental Musical Sounds/Gelfling Song/Batbird Brought Down/ Mystics Traveling #1 (1:15)
  16. Pod Party/Destruction of Pod Village (4:10)
  17. Jen and Kira Love Theme (1:36)
  18. The Prophecy in the Ruins (2:09)
  19. Escape from the Chamberlain/Kira Summons the Landstriders (1:47)
  20. Jen and Kira Set Off On Landstriders/Pod Person Drained (2:37)
  21. The Battle/Mystics Traveling #2 (4:20)
  22. Jen and Kira in the Sewer (1:43)
  23. Kira Brought Before the Skeksis (0:57)
  24. Kira Drained in the Chamber of Life (1:12)
  25. Kira Freed/Jen Goes in Search/Mystic Disintegrates/Mystics Traveling #3 (1:08)
  26. Jen Trapped in Lair/Jen Reaches Chamber of Life (0:26)
  27. Jen Discovers Crystal Chamber (3:40)
  28. Gelfling Frightens the Skeksis/The Crystal Made Whole/Mystics and Skeksis Fuse/Finale/End Credits (16:10)

2025 Expansion[]

Songs from The Dark Crystal
Released January 21, 2025
Format 3-CD
Label La-La Land Records
Cat no. LLLCD1646
Darkcrystal 3disc

La-La Land Records released another expanded soundtrack in 2025. Dubbed the "Expanded Motion Picture Soundtrack," the release is limited to 5,000 units and includes previously unreleased music:

Now, for the first time ever, this deluxe 3-CD release, conceived, assembled and produced by Trevor Jones himself, features the bounty of music the maestro composed for the initial, longer cut of THE DARK CRYSTAL, in its original intended order. Copies of the master tapes recorded at CTS Wembley were digitized along with the composer’s entire body of work, which is now archived at the University of Leeds. Jones personally reassembled and remastered the audio at Abbey Road for this special presentation.

Produced by Trevor Jones and Tim Greiving, and mastered by Andrew Walter under the composer’s sole supervision and approval, this release includes a wealth of previously unreleased music within its newly Expanded Score Soundtrack presentation, which is spread across two discs, while the original 1982 soundtrack program is featured on Disc 3. Limited to 5000 units, this deluxe set includes a 32-page booklet containing exclusive, in-depth liner notes by Greiving (featuring new interviews with Trevor Jones and Frank Oz) and rare artwork and photos from the Henson Archive. The sharp art design is by Dan Goldwasser.

Disc 1
  1. Power Ceremony and Main Title (4:35)
  2. Jen Plays Pipes and Mystic Master Dies (3:02)
  3. Skeksis Funeral Ceremony (2:06)
  4. Mystics Funeral Ceremony (3:25)
  5. Jen's Journey and Council Chamber (2:04)
  6. Skeksis Fight Duel (3:29)
  7. Chamberlain Is Disrobed and Garthim Pursues Jen (3:53)
  8. Jen Encounters Aughra (1:29)
  9. Mystics 9-Tone Chant and the Observatory at Night (3:15)
  10. Garthim Attack Observatory and Mystics Leave Valley (4:08)
  11. Jen and Kira in Forest (2:29)
  12. Mindspeech, Nebrie and Mystics Journey (3:56)
  13. Skeksis Celebratory Banquet (3:03)
  14. Jen & Kira Duet (2:24)
  15. Introduction and Pod Dance (3:38)
Disc 2
  1. Kira Brings Down the Bat-Bird and Garthim Attack Pod Village (2:12)
  2. Jen & Kira Love Theme (4:12)
  3. In the Ruins of the Gelfling Village (3:56)
  4. Landstriders Introduction and Journey (1:49)
  5. Chamber of Life (3:29)
  6. Landstriders Battle with Garthim and the Second Mystics Journey (3:25)
  7. In the Sewer of the Castle (1:55)
  8. Kira Removed to the Council Chamber (2:07)
  9. Kira in the Chamber of Life (3:47)
  10. Kira Is Freed and Jen in the Garthim Lair (2:13)
  11. Jen and Aughra in the Chamber of Life (1:48)
  12. Skeksis Panicked by Gelfling and Jen in the Crystal Chamber (4:25)
  13. The Great Conjunction and the Arrival of the Mystics (4:53)
  14. The Mystics and Skeksis Fuse to Become the UrSkeks (5:22)
  15. Pod Dance (Reprise) and Finale (3:18)
Disc 3

See also[]
