In 1983, Hasbro, working with Aviva Enterprises, developed a line of Dark Crystal action figures. Nine prototypes were created, but never released.
Six of the figures -- Jen, Kira, Happy Pod Peasant, Slave Pod Peasant, Aughra and Skeksis -- came with a piece of the Dark Crystal; the pieces could be assembled to form the whole Crystal. Three additional, and slightly larger, figures were also designed -- a Landstrider, Mystic, and Garthim.
The figures were designed, built and stock cards printed -- but the line never reached final production, and the toys were never officially released to the market. In 2016, Funko revived the toys for their line of ReAction figures.
- Kira with Fizzgig and Crystal piece 1
- Slave Pod Peasant with collar & chain and Crystal piece 2
- Happy Pod Peasant with mandolin and Crystal piece 3
- Aughra with Crystal piece 4
- Skeksis with sword and Crystal piece 5
- Jen with base and Crystal piece 6
- Landstrider
- Garthim
- Mystic