The Exorcist is a horror franchise first published as a novel in 1971 which spawned a film adaptation, several sequels, and remakes. The original story concerns a young girl who becomes possessed by The Devil and the exorcism performed to rid her soul of demon possession.
- Comparing scary movies they've seen over a game of cards in the January 30, 1983 edition of The Muppets comic strip, Rowlf the Dog says he recently went to go see The Exorcist.
- The director Birdnardo Birdtolucci, who visits Sesame Street in Episode 2575, counts The Eggs-orcist among his many achievements brought to film.
- Much of the plot of the Dinosaurs episode "Terrible Twos" is a spoof of The Exorcist. When Baby Sinclair goes through the "terrible twos" he turns into an emotional, bratty, raging monster with the ability to move objects across the room, spew steam from his mouth, turn his head around 180°, and speaks in a rough, gravelly voice. The Sinclairs ultimately recruit the help of The Babysitter who is tasked with returning their child to normal.
- Peggy Alston played Mrs. Kintry in The Exorcist III (1990)
- Ned Beatty played Edwards in Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
- James Earl Jones played Kokumo in Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
- Samuel L. Jackson played a blind man in a dream in The Exorcist III (1990)
- Larry King played himself in The Exorcist III (1990)
- George C. Scott played William F. Kinderman in The Exorcist III (1990)