The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show is a one-hour television special starring the glamorous Miss Piggy, which aired on ABC on September 17, 1982. Miss Piggy hosts her own variety show, with special guests John Ritter, George Hamilton, and Andy Kaufman (as "Tony Clifton"). The special was filmed in Toronto between August 9 and 24, 1982.[1]
Under the direction of Kermit the Frog, the Muppets work in the studio control room and, amidst chaos, manage to keep the show on the air. Throughout the show, a romantic triangle develops among Miss Piggy, Ritter (who is smitten with the pig) and Hamilton (who is deeply uncomfortable with the star's romantic inclinations).
Highlights include:
- Miss Piggy demonstrates her aerobic "Snackcercise routine."
- Hamilton and Miss Piggy appear as King and Queen of The Luau at a Polynesian-style ceremony.
- Ritter assists consumer advocate Miss Piggy in the segment "Don't Take It Lying Down Sucker."
- Vegas-style entertainer Clifton sings a medley of pop songs and show tunes.
- Kermit becomes jealous when Miss Piggy performs a love scene with Hamilton as Cary Grant.
- Miss Piggy sings a solo rendition of "You Light Up My Life" and leads a musical salute to the year.
- Hamilton sings "Three Times a Lady" to her, and joins her for a medley of standards and love songs.
As the program concludes, Miss Piggy throws a tantrum and walks off the show after arguing with the network vice president about whether her show is a special or the pilot for a series. She laments, "I'm too delicate for show business."
Muppet Cast[]
- Muppets: Miss Piggy, Kermit the Frog, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, Janice, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Scooter, Animal
- Background Muppets: Rizzo the Rat, Sam the Eagle, Link Hogthrob, Zoot, Chickens, Rats
- Steve Whitmire cameos throughout the program as one of four back-up singers.
- Jocelyn Stevenson can be seen applauding in the audience as Tony Clifton finishes "That Old Black Magic."
- An Ernie and Bert sketch from Sesame Street can be seen on one of the monitors in the control room.
- A music video was filmed for "Lift the One You Love" (from the Aerobique album), probably during this special's shoot, as it uses the same set and setup as "Snackcercise."
The opening titles and voiceover kick-off the program announcing:
- "The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show
- starring the fantastic Miss Piggy.
- Featuring Frank Oz
- with guest stars: John Ritter, Tony Clifton,
- special guest star George Hamilton,
- and Jim Henson's Muppets."
The closing credits of the special have additional superlatives added to each credit. Part of the way through the credit roll, Kermit tells them to "speed up the credits, we're almost out of time" and the final credits scroll by at a faster speed as the show ends.
- Miss Piggy fantastically performed by: Frank Oz
- Wonderfully Produced and Directed by: Jim Henson
- Delightfully Co-Produced by: Diana Birkenfield
- Humorously and Interestingly Written by: Buz Kohan and Henry Beard
- Incredible Associate Producer: Martin Baker
- Music Rapturously Arranged and Conducted by: Joe Raposo
- Dazzling Art Director: Ray Klausen
- Spectacular Choreography by: Anita Mann
- Brilliant Lighting Designer: John Rook
- Divine Costume Designer: Ann Hollowood
- Miss Piggy's Stunning Gowns: Calista Hendrickson
- Jim Henson's Consummate Muppets: Dave Goelz, Richard Hunt, Kathryn Mullen, Karen Prell, Steve Whitmire (uncredited: Terry Angus, Tim Gosley, Gord Robertson)
- Pretend Network V.P.: Tom Harvey
- Superb Production Consultant: Al Lowenstein
- Marvelous Set Decorator: Michael Corenblith
- Georgeous Asst. Choreographer: Jeffrey Hornaday
- Delicious Dance Music: Lenny La Croix
- Miss Piggy's Adoring Staff: Polly Smith, Rollin Krewson, Mimi Kingsley
- Tantalizing Technical Director: Ken Brown
- Audacious Audio: Doug Drew and Peter Mann
- Electrifying Lighting Director: Fred Sainsbury
- Discriminating Editor: Geoff Craigen
- Macho Stage Manager: Brad Turner
- Superlative Production Asst.: Pat Craigen
- Sublime Program Asst.: Ritamarie Peruggi
- Passionate Production Manager: David Lalonde
Video releases[]
- Films Incorporated released a copy on VHS for educational outlets in 1988.
- Released on a Portuguese DVD A Fantástica Miss Piggy along with Miss Piggy's Hollywood and episode 502 of The Muppet Show with Loretta Swit.
- Released on a Hebrew DVD The Miss Piggie Show.
- ↑ Jim Henson's Red Book August 14, 2012.