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Written by Tish Rabe
Illustrator Joe Ewers
Published 1997
Publisher Random House
ISBN 0679885811

The Gink is a book based on The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss episode, "The Gink."

Eliza Jane goes to the pet store and the Gink strikes her fancy. Despite the warnings she's given, she buys him.

Eliza finds out that keeping a Gink is harder than it seems. First, he starts yelling, "Gooblat!" to be fed. He says, "Gooblink!" when he needs to be taken outside and keeps sticking to everything. Eliza gives him a bath, only to learn that Ginks smell terrible when they've been bathed. Eliza snaps and tells him that she's going to take him back to the pet store. The Gink's feelings are hurt, so she immediately regrets what she said.

One day, the Gink is very mopey, feeling homesick for South Geeze. Though she tries to cheer him up at first, Eliza ultimately returns him to South Geeze so he can be with his own kind. To make up for the Gink, Eliza's parents get her a cat, who says, "Gooblat!" just like the Gink.

