The Good Place is an NBC comedy series that ran from 2016 to 2020, centering on a group of four individuals in the afterlife.
- In the season three episode "The Worst Possible Use of Free Will," Michael mentions (in a flashback) that Eleanor has sexual fantasies involving Sam the Eagle; this is also shown on the page of her file he shows her immediately beforehand. She justifies it: "He’s very authoritative, and I find that reassuring."
- Kristen Bell played Eleanor Shellstrop
- Eugene Cordero played Pillboi in six episodes
- Ted Danson played Michael
- Jameela Jamil played Tahani Al-Jamil
- Michael McKean played Doug Forcett
- Linda Mendoza directed "Chidi's Choice" and "Leap to Faith"
- Nick Offerman played himself in "Whenever You're Ready"
- Maya Rudolph played Judge Hydrogen
- Paul Scheer played Chuck
- Adam Scott played Trevor
- Dax Shepard played Chet in “Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent”
- Mary Steenburgen played a guitar teacher in "Whenever You're Ready"